High Demand Career Initiative


The economic development community in Georgia, led by Governor Deal, has heard from the private sector that one of the greatest challenges facing businesses in Georgia, nationally, and globally is the need for a consistent, trained and reliable workforce. In response, Governor Deal created the High Demand Career Initiative (HDCI) to allow those state partners involved in training Georgia’s future workforce – primarily the University System of Georgia (USG) and the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) – to hear directly from the private sector about what specific needs they have from a workforce perspective (i.e., degrees/majors, certificates, courses, skillsets, etc.). With decision makers from each of these entities at one table, we are able to gain a clear picture of what Georgia businesses need from a workforce and pair them with existing assets and/or collectively tackle any gaps, one by one. High-demand industries include Logistics, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Information Technology, and the Automotive Industry.